Evanescence Performs with KC Symphony

Having not performed in Kansas City since 2012, the fans were understandably excited to see them perform. Kansas City’s Music Hall, normally home to touring productions of Phantom of the Opera, and The Lion King, played host to the symphonic band, with nearly a sold out house. Things are a little more orchestral this tour, with the band having the backing of an orchestra on each show; having a symphony play live, rather than the band having a prerecorded track really does bring a much fuller sound. Rather than having an orchestra on the road, Evanescence uses members of the city’s symphony to play with them during shows. Joining the band on the road is conductor, and video game orchestrator, Susie Seiter.

Instead of an opening band, Evanescence had…well, the orchestra. Playing a collection well known and loved classical tunes, from Mozart, and Beethoven, ending with Danny Elfman’s Sally’s Song from Nightmare before Christmas. After a six song set, and short break, Amy Lee, Tim McCord, Will Hunt, Troy McLawhorn, and Jen Majura took the stage. Amy split her time between performing strict vocal duty, and playing her grand piano.

Much of the material in Evanescence’s set came from their new album, Synthesis. It’s easy to imagine Amy as a siren out at sea, with her hauntingly, beautiful vocals creating an ethereal, otherworldly sound.  With heavy emphasis on strings from the symphony, and beautiful, atmospheric lighting, Evanescence created a wonderful experience of sight, and sound, which makes their music sound the absolute best way possible.

Even if you have seen them live in recent years past, you really must do yourself a favor, and see them with orchestra, it truly is a remarkable experience.


Words and Photos by Josh Chaikin

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